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Baptiste Hamid - Fitness and Strenght Coach of the Month

Welcome Baptiste , tell us some words about yourself.

I’m 34 years old, I’m married and have two children. I’m the head physical trainer of the Stade Malherbe Caen professional football team since October 2019.
Before that I worked for the Toulouse Professional Football Team: I started as a physiotherapist in charge of rehabilitation and later I became the head physical trainer of the Professional team.
I’m also the manager of a fitness center in Toulouse, Sport Performance Center. I started this center 5 years ago.

Which is your role in Football?

I work in close relation with the manager of the professional team. My role is to meet the manager’s requirements in terms of the athletic skills that the players must have during the 95 minutes of a football game. Globally speaking, this means cardio-muscular and muscular training.  I’m also in charge of all that has to do with injuries prevention.

What exactly is Sport Performance Center? Tell us more about it .

Sport Performance Center is a fitness training center dedicated to both elite sportsmen and women and to people who practise sports to remain fit and in good health.
The coaches develop programs adapted to the sportsmen’s requirements and abilities and they work with them either individually or in very small groups.

How much important is Fitness and Strength training in Football?

Physical preparation has become an important focus and we can notice more and more managers coming to a football club with their physical trainers. Managers have a specific methodology and athletic requirements as regards their players.

Who is the best football player you have ever trained , and who is the most improved?

JabaBregvadze, a Georgian international rugby player Georgia asked me to take care of in rehabilitation before the rugby world cup. It’s with this sportsman that I had the best evolution in terms of cardio vascular and muscular improvement.
Issa Diop is right now the football player who impresses me the most as work is concerned. I’ve been working with Koulouris for a short time and he has a real professional attitude towards his body and he tries day after day to become the best version of himself.

How important is Fitness and Strength training at developmental ages ?

It’s very important because it contributes to lay solid foundations and to build the basis of the performance pyramid.
It enables us to correctly educate the players as regards areas of focus such as mobility.

At what age should they start and how?

We can start at a very early age since they start playing football around the age of 6 thanks to work on motor coordination skills, thanks to muscle tone school, mobility school.

Do you trained young Football players?

Yes I trained some at Sport Performance Center.

What do you prefer to train and what are the differences? Young or adults?

What I like best to work on is the improvement of the player’s profile Strength Speed.
There’s a big difference between an adult and a young player concerning the choice of exercices and their complexity.

What would be your advice to young people involved in fitness and Strength coachin?

To approach a physical trainer for professional support.


Let's face it! Realism is an element that should not be missed in any training session.

Nowadays, training tends to be repetitive without giving the necessary emphasis to detail. And to some basic football habits, every coach should emphasize not only the quality of the energy but also the way it is achieved.

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